多才多艺:水分、固含量、灰分/LOI/ ROI 、VOC、热重分析、游离(自由)水/结晶水、石膏纯度
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说明: | Computrac MAXZ-V5000(XL)水分、固含量、灰分/LOI/ROI、VOC测定仪(热重分析仪) Specifications主要技术参数: ·无需化学试剂, 行业:专家、权威、标准 · 5-10分钟出结果 ·水分:LOD热失重法(干燥失重法)/替代烘箱法;灰分/ LOI / ROI ( 炽灼失重法) / 替代马福炉法 ·天平样品的称量范围:100mg - 100g ·灵敏度:水分、固含量:0.0001%;天平:0.0001g ·水分/固含量测定范围:0.1% - 100% ·灰分测定范围:Measures ash/L.O.I. down to 0.5% •重复性(灰分):>10%,<5% Relative Standard Deviation for Samples >0.5% ·重复性(水分):>10%,<5% Relative Standard Deviation for samples >0.1% ·温度范围:25~600℃ ·干重范围:0 – 300 % ·显示结果:%水分、%固体、%干重、%灰分、%LOI、石膏纯度 ·加热器温度校准:NIST国际标准 ·链环测试程序测定结晶水和游离水,鉴定石膏纯度 ·氮气阀,可通氮气惰性气体 ·以太网、局域网,USB ·实时显示全部测试参数及水分测试变化曲线, 具备许多TGA相同的特征 ·国际认证:1). ASTM D6980-04/12 and ASTM D7232-06 2). UL and CE 3). ISO 9001:2008 (备注:LOI - Loss on Ignition、烧失量;ROI - Residue on Ignition 、炽灼残渣 ) MAXZ-V5000(XL) Moisture, Solids & Ash Analyzer The Computrac MAXZ-V5000(XL) moisture, solids and ash analyzer can provide accurate readings for both moisture and ash from a single sample, offering many of the same features of Thermo Gravimetric Analyzers (TGA) at a fraction of the cost. With a maximum temperature of 600°C and a maximum sample size of 100 grams, the MAXZ-V5000(XL) has the versatility to a wide range of material testing tasks. Highights仪器亮点 Versatile 多才多艺:水分、固含量、灰分/LOI/ ROI 、VOC、热重分析、游离(自由)水/结晶水、石膏纯度 Get an accurate readings for both ash and moisture content from a single sample. Fast:快速, 半小时内获得水分和灰分/LOI/ROI的测试结果 Moisture and ash readings in half an hour or less.! Simple:使用简单 One-button operation with no intermediate weighing or cooling steps required. Durable:耐用(10+年设计) Made in the USA with an all-steel enclosure,the MAXZ-V5000(XL) was designed forheavy duty use. Accurate:准确、重复性好、符合国际标准 Correlates to popular methods,including ASTM D5630,ASTM D4574,ASTM E1534and more. Thermo Gravimetric Analyzers (TGA):具备许多TGA相同的特征,但只是TGA成本的一小部分 The Computrac MAXZ-V5000(XL) moisture, solids and ash analyzer can provide accurate readings for both moisture and ash from a single sample, offering many of the same features of Thermo Gravimetric Analyzers (TGA) at a fraction of the cost. FEATURES仪器特点 1. Temperature Calibration Interface (TCI) Module (optional) 2. 21 CFR Part 11 Compliant (optional) 3. Accuracy, Durability, Reliability, Consistency and Speed 4. Four Decimal Place Balance 5. Parameter Expert (develop parameters to match reference method) 6. Programmable Temperature Ramp Control 7. Linked Test Capability for Multiple Results from a Single Sample 8. Security Access Codes to Protect Programs or Instrument Settings 9. Customizable Test Parameters to Optimize Results 10. Real-Time Graphing of Weight Loss, Rate and End Point Prediction 11. Foil and Syringe Weight Entry Mode for the Most Volatile Samples 12. Weight Control Aids Operators and Improves Test Precision 13. Statistical Function Calculates Mean, Standard Deviation and Relative Standard Deviation 14. Alphanumeric Programmable Prompts for Sample ID and Lot Numbers 15. Self Cleaning Oven Simplifies Routine Maintenance 16. Ethernet and Serial Ports, USB 17. Web Server (optional) ASTM 符合ASTM国际标准 D6980-04/12Standard Test Method for Determination of Moisture in Plastics by Loss in Weight (MAXZ-V4000(XL) and MAXZ-V5000(XL))D7232-06Standard Test Method for Rapid Determination of the Nonvolatile Content of Coatings by Loss in Weight (MAXZ-V4000(XL) and MAXZ-V5000(XL))