PE 颚式破碎机系列:产品优势和特点
该机型充分体现当前先进的设计思想。其短肘板、低悬挂、大摆角等技术运用, 具有处理能力大,操作简单,维修方便和使用寿命长等特点,其优质钢板焊接、热 处理过的坚固机架,深受国内外客户欢迎!
本系列产品,用于抗压力强度不超过320兆帕的各种碎性物料的粗破碎作业。具有破碎比大、 产品粒度均匀、结构牢固、工作稳定、维修方便、运行费用低等特点。已广泛应用于矿山、建筑、冶炼、公路、铁路、水利等部门。
PE Jaw Crusher Series
This product series is used in primary crushing of material. It processes various kinds of material with crushing compresion strength not more than 320mp.It features firm structure,stable performance,large capacity,even producing granularity,convenient maintenance and economical running expense.It has been widely applied in area of mining, construction material, smelting,railway,high grade road surface,water conservancy,etc.