造粒机工作能力30-60Kg/Hr. The pelletizing Capacity 30-60Kg/Hr.
65mm全硬化螺杆,材质全合金.双合金料管. Screw dimension 65mm, Material: special alloy , Bimetallic alloy steel for barrier.
进料端和出料端采用特殊工艺处理,有效避免材料污染。The feed end and discharge end are treated with special technology to avoid material contamination effectively.
硬齿面高效减速齿轮箱. The hardened high efficiency reduction gear box
料管4点温度控制,法兰1点温度控制.Barrier with 4 temperature zones. flange 1 temperature zone .
料管风机180w散热3点. Barrier with 180w X 3 sets air cooling.
合页式快速结合切粒组. The easy combined and fast connection system for pelletizing units.
合页式快速结合切粒头法兰. The quick combined for cutting flange
造粒机使用电机11Kw,西门子变频电机配合艾默生变频. driving motor power :11Kw,SIEMENS inverter motor with Emerson inverter drive.
造粒机工作能力30-60Kg/Hr. The pelletizing Capacity 30-60Kg/Hr.
65mm全硬化螺杆,材质全合金.双合金料管. Screw dimension 65mm, Material: special alloy , Bimetallic alloy steel for barrier.