















PNAS、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology等**期刊上经常见到它的身影


1983年,WALZ公司**科学家、德国乌兹堡大学的Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界**台调制荧光仪——PAM-101/102/103,并在植物生理、生态、农学、林学、水生生物学等领域得到广泛应用,出版了大量高水平研究文献。但该仪器比较笨重,不易带到野外。

1992年,Ulrich Schreiber教授设计制造了全世界**台便携式调制荧光仪——PAM-2000(现已升级到PAM-2100),由于其既能在室内使用,也方便野外使用,因此在此后十几年中成为全球*畅销的调制荧光仪。



MINI-PAM采用了独特的调制技术饱和脉冲技术,从而可以通过选择性的原位测量叶绿素荧光来检测植物光合作用的变化。MINI-PAM的调制测量光足够低,可以只激发色素的本底荧光而不引起任何的光合作用,从而可以真实的记录基础荧光Fo。MINI-PAM具有很强的灵敏度和选择性,使其即使在很强的、未经滤光片处理的环境下(如全日照甚至是10000 μmol m-2 s-1的饱和光强下)也可测定荧光产量而不受到干扰。MINI-PAM是野外光合作用研究的强大工具。





标准版的MINI-PAM采用红光作为测量光。根据用户需要,我们也可提供以蓝光(470 nm)作为测量光的MINI-PAM。






6)能耗低,内置锂电池可满足长时间野外工作需要,并可连接外置12 V电池



功能1)可测荧光诱导曲线并进行淬灭分析(Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm, F, Fm', ΔF/Fm’, qP, qN, NPQ, rETR, PAR和叶温等)








MINI-PAM的基本组成包括主机(1)光纤(2)。主机内置大容量可充电锂电池(12 V/2 Ah),可供长时间野外操作(约1000次量子产量测定)。标准系统还包括一个电池充电器(3)和一个“距离叶夹”(4),以及一个运输箱(5)

可选附件包括:可在测量荧光参数的同时测量PAR和温度的光适应叶夹2030-B(6)微型光量子/温度传感器2060-M(7),可用于测量非叶片状样品的PAR和温度;可安装2030-B或2060-M的三角架ST-2101A(8)暗适应叶夹DLC-8(9),带滑片开关,重4 g;微光纤(10),可用于测量微型样品,或与便携式光合作用测量系统GFS-3000的叶室连用在自然光下同步测量气体交换和叶绿素荧光。



技术参数测量光:红色发光二极管(LED),650 nm;标准光强0.15 μmol m-2 s-1PAR;调制频率0.6或20 kHz,自动转换。

光化光:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,**连续光强6000 μmol m-2 s-1par。

饱和脉冲:卤素灯,8V/20W,蓝色增强,λ<710 nm,**饱和闪光强度18000 μmol m-2 s-1par。

信号检测:PIN-光电二极管,带短波截止滤光片(标准版:λ>710 nm;MINI-PAM/B:λ>650 nm);选择性锁相放大器(**设计)。

数据存储:CMOS RAM 128 KB,可存储4000组数据

测量参数:Fo, Fm, Fm’, F, Fv/Fm(max. Yield), ΔF/Fm’(Yield), qP, qN, NPQ, ETR, PAR和叶温等。



1.Anjum MA: Response of Cleopatra mandarin seedlings to a polyamine-biosynthesis inhibitor under salt stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

2.Beniwal RS, Langenfeld-Heyser R, Polle A: Ectomycorrhiza and hydrogel protect hybrid poplar from water deficit and unravel plastic responses of xylem anatomy Environmental and Experimental Botany2010:in press.[MINI-PAM, HCM-1000]

3.Doyle SM, Diamond M, McCabe PF: Chloroplast and reactive oxygen species involvement in apoptotic-like programmed cell death in Arabidopsis suspension cultures. Journal of Experimental Botany2010, 61(2):473-482.[MINI-PAM]

4.Du N, Guo W, Zhang X, Wang R: Morphological and physiological responses of Vitex negundo L. var.heterophylla (Franch.) Rehd. to drought stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2010:in press.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

5.Fleck I, Peña-Rojas K, Aranda X: Mesophyll conductance to CO2 and leaf morphological characteristics under drought stress during Quercus ilex L. resprouting. Ann For Sci2010, 67(3):308.[MINI-PAM]

6.Führs H, Behrens C, Gallien S, Heintz D, Van Dorsselaer A, Braun H-P, Horst WJ: Physiological and proteomic characterization of manganese sensitivity and tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in comparison with barley (Hordeum vulgare). Annals of Botany2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

7.Hasunuma T, Harada K, Miyazawa S-I, Kondo A, Fukusaki E, Miyake C: Metabolic turnover analysis by a combination of in vivo 13C-labelling from 13CO2 and metabolic profiling with CE-MS/MS reveals rate-limiting steps of the C3 photosynthetic pathway in Nicotiana tabacum leaves. Journal of Experimental Botany2010, 61(4):1041-1051.[MINI-PAM]

8.Ibaraki Y, Matsumura K, Gupta SD: Low-cost photochemical reflectance index measurements of micropropagated plantlets using image analysis Computers and Electronics in Agriculture2010, 71(2):170-175.[MINI-PAM]

9.Jin ZL, Zhang F, Ahmed ZI, Rasheed M, Naeem MS, Ye QF, Zhou WJ: Differential morphological and physiological responses of two oilseedBrassica species to a new herbicide ZJ0273 used in rapeseed fields. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

10.Jubany-Marí T, Prinsen E, Munné-Bosch S, Alegre L: The timing of methyl jasmonate, hydrogen peroxide and ascorbate accumulation during water deficit and subsequent recovery in the Mediterranean shrubCistus albidus L. . Environmental and Experimental Botany2010, 69(1):47-55.[MINI-PAM]

11.Kao W-Y, Lin B-L: Phototropic leaf movements and photosynthetic performance in an amphibious fern, Marsilea quadrifolia. Journal of Plant Research2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

12.Kontunen-Soppela S, Sillanpää M, Tuhkanen E, Sutinen S, Kangasjärvi J, Vapaavuori E, Häggman H: Photosynthetic characteristics in genetically modified sense-RbcS silver birch lines Journal of Plant Physiology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

13.Liu F, Pang SJ: Stress tolerance and antioxidant enzymatic activities in the metabolisms of the reactive oxygen species in two intertidal red algae Grateloupia turuturu and Palmaria palmata Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology2010, 382(2):82-87.[MINI-PAM]

14.Liu F, Pang SJ: Performances of growth, photochemical efficiency, and stress tolerance of young sporophytes from seven populations ofSaccharina japonica (Phaeophyta) under short-term heat stress. Journal of Applied Phycology2010, 22:221-229.[MINI-PAM]

15.Liu F, Pang SJ, Chopin T, Xu N, Shan TF, Gao SQ, Sun S: The dominantUlva strain of the 2008 green algal bloom in the Yellow Sea was not detected in the coastal waters of Qingdao in the following winter. Journal of Applied Phycology2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

16.Nikiforou C, Manetas Y: Strength of winter leaf redness as an indicator of stress vulnerable individuals in Pistacia lentiscus. Flora2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

17.Pietrini F, Zacchini M, Iori V, Pietrosanti L, Bianconi D, Massacci A: Screening of Poplar Clones for Cadmium Phytoremediation Using Photosynthesis, Biomass and Cadmium Content AnalysesInternal Journal of Phytoremediation2010, 12(1):105-120.[MINI-PAM]

18.Sanches MC, Ribeiro SP, Dalvi VC, Junior MBdS, Sousa HCd, Lemos-Filho JPd: Differential leaf traits of a neotropical tree Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze (Lecythidaceae): comparing saplings and emergent trees Trees - Structure and Function2010, 24(1):79-88.[MINI-PAM]

19.Vervliet-Scheebaum M, Straus A, Tremp H, Hamer M, Maund SJ, Wagner E, Schulz R: A microcosm system to evaluate the toxicity of the triazine herbicide simazine on aquatic macrophytes. Environmental Pollution2010, 158:615-623.[MINI-PAM]

20.桂仁意, 刘亚迪, 郭小勤, 季海宝, 贾月, 余明增, 方伟: 不同剂量137Cs-γ辐射对毛竹幼苗叶片叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 植物学报2010, 45(1):66-72.[MINI-PAM]

21.Cela J, Arrom L, Munné-Bosch S: Diurnal changes in photosystem II photochemistry, photoprotective compounds and stress-related phytohormones in the CAM plant, Aptenia cordifolia Plant Science2009, 177(5):404-410.[MINI-PAM]

22.Cela J, Falk J, Munné-Bosch S: Ethylene signaling may be involved in the regulation of tocopherol biosynthesis inArabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters2009, 583(6):992-996.[MINI-PAM]

23.Dai Y, Shao M, Hannaway D, Wang L, Liang J, Hua L, Lu H: Effect of Thrips tabaci on anatomical features, photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Hypericum sampsonii leaves Crop Protection2009, 28(4):327-332.[MINI-PAM]

24.Dai Y-J, Shen Z-G, Liu Y, Wang L-L, Hannaway D, Lu H-F: Effects of shade treatments on the photosynthetic capacity, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chlorophyll content of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum Diels et Gilg Environmental and Experimental Botany2009, 65(2-3):177-182.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

25.Granath G, Strengbom J, Breeuwer A, Heijmans MMPD, Berendse F, Rydin H: Photosynthetic performance in Sphagnum transplanted along a latitudinal nitrogen deposition gradient Oecologia2009, 159(4):705-715.[MINI-PAM]

26.Kläring H-P, Zude M: Sensing of tomato plant response to hypoxia in the root environment Scientia Horticulturae2009, 122(1):17-25.[MINI-PAM]

27.Li X, Huang H, Lian J, Huang L, Dong J: Effects of the multiple stressors high temperature and reduced salinity on the photosynthesis of the hermatypic coral Galaxea fascicularis Acta Ecologica Sinica2009, 29(3):155-159.[MINI-PAM]

28.Moreira ASFP, Filho JPdL, Zotz G, Isaias RMdS: Anatomy and photosynthetic parameters of roots and leaves of two shade-adapted orchids, Dichaea cogniauxiana Shltr. and Epidendrum secundum Jacq. . Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants2009, 204(8):604-611.[MINI-PAM]

29.Ogawa T, Nishimura K, Aoki T, Takase H, Tomizawa K-I, Ashida H, Yokota A: pfkB-type carbohydrate kinase family protein, NARA5, for massive expressions of plastid-encoded photosynthetic genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology2009, 151(1):114-128.[MINI-PAM]

30.Oh S-J, Kim YS, Kwon C-W, Park HK, Jeong JS, Kim J-K: Overexpression of the Transcription FactorAP37 in Rice Improves Grain Yield under Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology2009, 150:1368-1379.[MINI-PAM]

31.Okuda K, Chateigner-Boutin A-L, Nakamura T, Delannoy E, Sugita M, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Small I, Shikanai T: Pentatricopeptide Repeat Proteins with the DYW Motif Have Distinct Molecular Functions in RNA Editing and RNA Cleavage in Arabidopsis Chloroplasts. The Plant Cell2009, 21:146-156.[MINI-PAM]

32.Oñate M, Munné-Bosch S: Influence of plant maturity, shoot reproduction and sex on vegetative growth in the dioecious plantUrtica dioica. Annals of Botany2009, 104(5):945-956.[MINI-PAM]

33.Pembleton KG, Rawnsley RP, Donaghy DJ, Volenec JJ: Water Deficit Alters Canopy Structure but not Photosynthesis during the Regrowth of Alfalfa. Crop Science2009, 49:722-731.[MINI-PAM]

34.Prider J, Watling J, Facelli JM: Impacts of a native parasitic plant on an introduced and a native host species: implications for the control of an invasive weed. Annals of Botany2009, 103:107-115.[MINI-PAM]

35.Shi G, Cai Q: Leaf plasticity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to heavy metal stress Environmental and Experimental Botany2009, 67(1):112-117.[MINI-PAM]

36.Shi G, Cai Q: Cadmium tolerance and accumulation in eight potential energy crops Biotechnology Advances2009, 27(5):555-561.[MINI-PAM]

37.Shi GR, Cai QS, Liu QQ, Wu L: Salicylic acid-mediated alleviation of cadmium toxicity in hemp plants in relation to cadmium uptake, photosynthesis, and antioxidant enzymes Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2009, 31(5):969-977.[MINI-PAM]

38.Then C, Herbinger K, Luis VC, Heerdt C, Matyssek R, Wieser G: Photosynthesis, chloroplast pigments, and antioxidants in Pinus canariensis under free-air ozone fumigation Environmental Pollution2009, 157(2):392-395.[MINI-PAM]

39.Wu Y-Y, Liu C-Q, Li P-P, Wang J-Z, Xing D, Wang B-L: Photosynthetic characteristics involved in adaptability to Karst soil and alien invasion of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent.) in comparison with mulberry (Morus alba L.) Photosynthetica2009, 47(1):155-160.[MINI-PAM]

40.Xu F, Guo W, Wang R, Xu W, Du N, Wang Y: Leaf movement and photosynthetic plasticity of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) alleviate stress under different light and water conditions Acta Physiologiae Plantarum2009, 31(3):553-563.[MINI-PAM]

41.Zhang H, Dong H, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Kong X: Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance inAhCMO transgenic cotton lines Molecular Breeding2009, 23(2):289-298.[MINI-PAM]

42.黄鹏云, 罗丽娟: 水稻矮杆鞘包穗突变体A846的叶绿素荧光特性研究. 中国农学通报2009, 25(12):122-125.[MINI-PAM]

43.纪建伟, 解飞, Harbinson J: LED激发光源叶绿素荧光参数在线监控系统. 农业工程学报2009, 25(4):145-149.[MINI-PAM]

44.雷新明, 黄晖, 王华接, 李秀保, 练健生: 造礁石珊瑚共生藻对富营养的响应研究. 海洋通报2009, 28(1):43-49.[MINI-PAM]

45.吕洪飞, 皮二旭, 王岚岚, 沈虹: 遮荫处理的白英光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性研究. 浙江师范大学学报2009, 32(1):1-6.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

46.张玉荣, 刘峰, 单体锋, 逄少军: 利用叶绿素荧光技术揭示人工培育的铜藻幼苗对胁迫温度、光照和盐度的反应. 南方水产2009, 5(2):1-9.[MINI-PAM]

47.Arena C, Vitale L, De Santo AV: Paraheliotropism in Robinia pseudoacacia L.: an efficient strategy to optimise photosynthetic performance under natural environmental conditions. Plant Biology2008, 10(2):194-201.[MINI-PAM, HCM-1000]

48.Cano L, Escarre J, Fleck I, Blanco-Moreno JM, Sans FX: Increased fitness and plasticity of an invasive species in its introduced range: a study using Senecio pterophorus. Journal of Ecology2008, 96(3):468-476.[MINI-PAM]

49.Dai Y-J, Shao M-M, Hannaway D, Wang L-L, Liang J-P, Hua L, Lu H-F: Effect ofThrips tabaci on anatomical features, photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of Hypericum sampsonii leaves. Crop Science2008, 28(4):327-332.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

50.Gomes FP, Oliva MA, Mielke MS, Almeida A-AFd, Leite HG, Aquino LA: Photosynthetic limitations in leaves of young Brazilian Green Dwarf coconut (Cocos nucifera L. ‘nana’) palm under well-watered conditions or recovering from drought stress Environmental and Experimental Botany2008, 62(3):195-204.[MINI-PAM]

51.Matsubara S, Krause GH, Seltmann M, Virgo A, Kursar TA, Jahns P, Winter K: Lutein epoxide cycle, light harvesting and photoprotection in species of the tropical tree genusInga. Plant Cell and Environment2008, 31(4):548-561.[MINI-PAM]

52.Matsuda R, Ohashi-Kaneko K, Fujiwara K, Kurata K: Effects of Blue Light Deficiency on Acclimation of Light Energy Partitioning in PSII and CO2 Assimilation Capacity to High Irradiance in Spinach Leaves. Plant Cell Physiol2008, 49(4):664-670.[MINI-PAM]

53.Myouga F, Hosoda C, Umezawa T, Iizumi H, Kuromori T, Motohashi R, Shono Y, Nagata N, Ikeuchi M, Shinozaki K: A Heterocomplex of Iron Superoxide Dismutases Defends Chloroplast Nucleoids against Oxidative Stress and Is Essential for Chloroplast Development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell2008, 20:3148-3162.[MINI-PAM]

54.Okegawa Y, Kagawa Y, Kobayashi Y, Shikanai T: Characterization of Factors Affecting the Activity of Photosystem I Cyclic Electron Transport in Chloroplasts. Plant Cell Physiol2008, 49(5):825-834.[MINI-PAM]

55.Pang SJ, Shan TF, Zhang ZH: Responses of vegetative gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida to high irradiance in the process of gametogenesis. Phycological Research2008, 56(4):280-287.[MINI-PAM]

56.Read J, Wevill T, Fletcher T, Deletic A: Variation among plant species in pollutant removal from stormwater in biofiltration systems Water Research2008, 42(4-5):893-902.[MINI-PAM]

57.Sack L, Dietrich EM, Streeter CM, Sánchez-Gómez D, Holbrook NM: Leaf palmate venation and vascular redundancy confer tolerance of hydraulic disruption. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA2008, 105:1567-1572.[MINI-PAM]

58.Sawada H, Shim I-S, Usui K, Kobayashi K, Fujihara S: Adaptive mechanism of Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi under salt stress: Effect of salicylic acid on salt sensitivity Plant Science2008, 174(6):583-589.[MINI-PAM]

59.Shimizu H, Peng L, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Shikanai T: CRR23/NdhL is a Subunit of the Chloroplast NAD(P)H Dehydrogenase Complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol2008, 49(5):835-842.[MINI-PAM]

60.Sienkiewicz-Porzucek A, Nunes-Nesi A, Sulpice R, Lisec J, Centeno DC, Carillo P, Leisse A, Urbanczyk-Wochniak E, Fernie AR: Mild Reductions in Mitochondrial Citrate Synthase Activity Result in a Compromised Nitrate Assimilation and Reduced Leaf Pigmentation But Have No Effect on Photosynthetic Performance or Growth. Plant Physiology2008, 147(1):115-127.[MINI-PAM]

61.Wang C-R, Yang A-F, Yue G-D, Gao Q, Yin H-Y, Zhang J-R: Enhanced expression of phospholipase C 1 ( ZmPLC1 ) improves drought tolerance in transgenic maize Planta2008, 227(5):1127-1140.[MINI-PAM]

62.Yunusa IAM, Manoharan V, DeSilva DL, Eamus D, Murray BR, Nissanka SP: Growth and Elemental Accumulation by Canola on Soil Amended with Coal Fly Ash. Journal of Environmental Quality2008, 37(3):1263-1270.[MINI-PAM]

63.Zhang X, Wollenweber B, Jiang D, Liu F, Zhao J: Water deficits and heat shock effects on photosynthesis of a transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana constitutively expressing ABP9, a bZIP transcription factor. J Exp Bot2008, 59(4):839-848.[MINI-PAM]

64.时翔, 谭烨辉, 黄良民, 黄小平, 李元超, 董志军: 磷酸盐胁迫对造礁石珊瑚共生虫黄藻光合作用的影响. 生态学报2008, 28(6):2581-2586.[MINI-PAM]

65.徐飞, 郭卫华, 徐伟红, 王仁卿: 短期干旱和复水对麻栎幼苗光合及叶绿素荧光的影响. 山东林业科技2008(4):1-4.[MINI-PAM, GFS-3000]

66.Blodner C, Goebel C, Feussner I, Gatz C, Polle A: Warm and cold parental reproductive environments affect seed properties, fitness, and cold responsiveness in Arabidopsis thaliana progenies. Plant Cell and Environment2007, 30(2):165-175.[MINI-PAM]

67.Figueredo CC, Giani A, Bird DF: Does allelopathy contribute to Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Cyanobacteria) bloom occurrence and geographic expansion? Journal of Phycology2007, 43(2):256-265.[MINI-PAM]

68.Gielen B, Low M, Deckmyn G, Metzger U, Franck F, Heerdt C, Matyssek R, Valcke R, Ceulemans R: Chronic ozone exposure affects leaf senescence of adult beech trees: a chlorophyll fluorescence approach. J Exp Bot2007, 58(4):785-795.[MINI-PAM]

69.Grams TEE, Koziolek C, Lautner S, Matyssek R, Fromm J: Distinct roles of electric and hydraulic signals on the reaction of leaf gas exchange upon re-irrigation in Zea mays L. Plant Cell and Environment2007, 30(1):79-84.[MINI-PAM]

70.Hernandez-Gonzalez O, Villarreal OB: Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis in columnar cactus seedlings during ontogeny: the effect of light on nocturnal acidity accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence. Am J Bot2007, 94(8):1344-1351.[MINI-PAM]

71.Martin R, Asner G, Sack L: Genetic variation in leaf pigment, optical and photosynthetic function among diverse phenotypes of Metrosideros polymorpha grown in a common garden. Oecologia2007, 151(3):387-400.[MINI-PAM]

72.Mussgnug JH, Thomas-Hall S, Rupprecht J, Foo A, Klassen V, McDowall A, Schenk PM, Kruse O, Hankamer B: Engineering photosynthetic light capture: impacts on improved solar energy to biomass conversion. Plant Biotechnology Journal2007, 5(6):802-814.[MINI-PAM]

73.Oh S-J, Kwon C-W, Choi D-W, Song SI, Kim J-K: Expression of barley HvCBF4 enhances tolerance to abiotic stress in transgenic rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal2007, 5(5):646-656.[MINI-PAM]

74.Okuda K, Myouga F, Motohashi R, Shinozaki K, Shikanai T: Conserved domain structure of pentatricopeptide repeat proteins involved in chloroplast RNA editing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2007, 104(19):8178-8183.[MINI-PAM]

75.Ouelhadj A, Kaminski M, Mittag M, Humbeck K: Receptor-like protein kinase HvLysMR1 of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is induced during leaf senescence and heavy metal stress. J Exp Bot2007, 58(6):1381-1396.[MINI-PAM]

76.Pang SJ, Jin ZH, Sun JZ, Gao SQ: Temperature tolerance of young sporophytes from two populations of Laminaria japonica revealed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and short-term growth and survival performances in tank culture Aquaculture2007, 262(2-4):493-503.[MINI-PAM]

77.Pang SJ, Zhang ZH, Zhao HJ, Sun JZ: Cultivation of the brown alga Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura: stress resistance of artificially raised young seedlings revealed by chlorophyll fluorescence measurement Journal of Applied Phycology2007, 19(5):557-565.[MINI-PAM]

78.Pinto-Marijuan M, de Agazio M, Zacchini M, Santos MA, Torne JM, Fleck I: Response of transglutaminase activity and bound putrescine to changes in light intensity under natural or controlled conditions in Quercus ilex leaves. Physiologia Plantarum2007, 131(1):159-169.[MINI-PAM]

79.Shimizu H, Shikanai T: Dihydrodipicolinate reductase-like protein, CRR1, is essential for chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal2007, 52(3):539-547.[MINI-PAM]

80.Timperio AM, D'Amici GM, Barta C, Loreto F, Zolla L: Proteomics, pigment composition, and organization of thylakoid membranes in iron-deficient spinach leaves. J Exp Bot2007, 58(13):3695-3710.[MINI-PAM, PAM-100]

81.Yabuta Y, Mieda T, Rapolu M, Nakamura A, Motoki T, Maruta T, Yoshimura K, Ishikawa T, Shigeoka S: Light regulation of ascorbate biosynthesis is dependent on the photosynthetic electron transport chain but independent of sugars in Arabidopsis. J Exp Bot2007, 58(10):2661-2671.[MINI-PAM]

82.Zaragoza-Castells J, Sanchez-Gomez D, Valladares F, Hurry V, Atkin OK: Does growth irradiance affect temperature dependence and thermal acclimation of leaf respiration? Insights from a Mediterranean tree with long-lived leaves. Plant Cell and Environment2007, 30(7):820-833.[MINI-PAM]

83.谭雪莲, 张绪成, 郭天文, 夏芳琴, 张金林: 氮素对小麦幼苗叶片气体交换和能量转化特性的调控. 核农学报2007, 21(3):305-310.[MINI-PAM]

84.唐薇, 罗振, 温四民, 董合忠, 李维江, 辛承松: 干旱和盐胁迫对棉苗光合抑制效应的比较. 棉花学报2007, 19(1):28-32.[MINI-PAM]

85.徐飞, 郭卫华, 王炜, 徐伟红, 王玉芳, 王仁卿: 黄河三角洲柽柳与芦苇光合特性比较. 山东林业科技2007(6):29-33.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

86.徐飞, 郭卫华, 王玉芳, 王炜, 杜宁, 王仁卿: 济南市校园6个绿化树种光合荧光特征比较初探. 山东大学学报2007, 42(5):1-9.[GFS-3000, MINI-PAM]

87.Deeken R, Engelmann JC, Efetova M, Czirjak T, Müller T, Kaiser WM, Tietz O, Krischke M, Mueller MJ, Palme Ket al: An Integrated View of Gene Expression and Solute Profiles of Arabidopsis Tumors: A Genome-Wide Approach. The Plant Cell2006, 18:3617-3634.[MINI-PAM]

88.Fabricius KE: Effects of irradiance, flow, and colony pigmentation on the temperature microenvironment around corals: Implications for coral bleaching? Limnology and Oceanography2006, 51(1):30-37.[MINI-PAM]

89.Fernandez MD: Changes in photosynthesis and fluorescence in response to flooding in emerged and submerged leaves of Pouteria orinocoensis Photosynthetica2006, 44(1):32-38.[MINI-PAM]

90.Kytridis V-P, Manetas Y: Mesophyll versus epidermal anthocyanins as potential in vivo antioxidants: evidence linking the putative antioxidant role to the proximity of oxy-radical source. Journal of Experimental Botany2006, 57:2203-2210.[MINI-PAM]

91.Munshi MK, Kobayashi Y, Shikanai T: CRR6 is a novel factor required for accumulation of the chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology2006, 141:737-744.[MINI-PAM]

92.Neto D, Carvalho LM, Cruz C, Martins-Loução MA: How do mycorrhizas affect C and N relationships in flooded Aster tripolium plants? . Plant and Soil2006, 279(1-2):51-63.[MINI-PAM]

93.Nichol CJ, Rascher U, Matsubara S, Osmond B: Assessing photosynthetic efficiency in an experimental mangrove canopy using remote sensing and chlorophyll fluorescence Trees2006, 20(1):9-15.[MINI-PAM]

94.Oguchi R, Hikosaka K, Hiura T, Hirose T: Leaf anatomy and light acclimation in woody seedlings after gap formation in a cool-temperate deciduous forest. Oecologia2006, 149(4):571-582.[MINI-PAM]

95.Ouelhadj A, Kuschk P, Humbeck K: Heavy metal stress and leaf senescence induce the barley gene HvC2d1 encoding a calcium-dependent novel C2 domain-like protein. New Phytologist2006, 170(2):261-273.[MINI-PAM]

96.Raftoyannis Y, Radoglou K, Halivopoulos G: Ecophysiology and survival of Acer pseudoplatanus L., Castanea sativa Miller. and Quercus frainetto Ten. seedlings on a reforestation site in Northern Greece New Forests2006, 31(2):151-163.[MINI-PAM]

97.Roessink I, Belgers JDM, Crum SJH, van den Brink PJ, Brock TCM: Impact of triphenyltin acetate in microcosms simulating floodplain lakes. II. Comparison of species sensitivity distributions between laboratory and semi-field. Ecotoxicology2006, 15(5):411-424.[MINI-PAM, PHYTO-PAM]

98.Abdel-Ghany SE, Müller-Moulé P, Niyogi KK, Pilon M, Shikanai T: Two P-type ATPases are required for copper delivery in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts The Plant Cell2005, 17:1233-1251.[MINI-PAM]

99.Ananyev G, Kolber ZS, Klimov D, Falkowski PG, Berry JA, Rascher U, Martin R, Osmond B: Remote sensing of heterogeneity in photosynthetic efficiency, electron transport and dissipation of excess light in Populus deltoides stands under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations, and in a tropical forest canopy, using a new laser-induced fluorescence transient device. Global Change Biology2005, 11:1195-1206.[MINI-PAM]

100.Arena C, Vitale L, De Santo AV: Photosynthetic response of Quercus ilex L. plants grown on compost and exposed to increasing photon flux densities and elevated CO2. photosynthetica2005, 43(4):615-619.[MINI-PAM]

101.Chen Z, Newman I, Zhou M, Mendham N, Zhang G, Shabala S: Screening plants for salt tolerance by measuring K+ flux: a case study for barley. Plant Cell and Environment2005, 28(10):1230-1246.[MINI-PAM]

102.El-Lithy ME, Rodrigues GC, van Rensen JJS, Snel JFH, Dassen HJHA, Koornneef M, Jansen MAK, Aarts MGM, Vreugdenhil D: Altered photosynthetic performance of a natural Arabidopsis accession is associated with atrazine resistance Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 56(416):1625-1634.[MINI-PAM]

103.Franco AC, Duarte HM, Geler A, de Mattos EA, Nahm M, Rennenberg H, Ribeiro KT, Scarano FR, Lüttge U: In situ measurements of carbon and nitrogen distribution and composition, photochemical efficiency and stable isotope ratios in Araucaria angustifolia. Trees2005, 19(4):422-430.[MINI-PAM]

104.Geßler A, Duarte HM, Franco AC, Lüttge U, de Mattos EA, Nahm M, Rodrigues PJFP, Scarano FR, Rennenberg H: Ecophysiology of selected tree species in different plant communities at the periphery of the Atlantic Forest of SE—Brazil III. Three legume trees in a semi-deciduous dry forest. Trees2005, 19(5):523-530.[MINI-PAM]

105.Geβler A, Duarte HM, Franco AC, Lüttge U, de Mattos EA, Nahm M, Scarano FR, Zaluar HLT, Rennenberg H: Ecophysiology of selected tree species in different plant communities at the periphery of the Atlantic Forest of SE-Brazil II. Spatial and ontogenetic dynamics in Andira legalis, a deciduous legume tree. Trees2005, 19(5):510-522.[MINI-PAM]

106.Hayashi M, Yagi M, Nito K, Kamada T, Nishimura M: Differential contribution of two peroxisomal protein receptors to the maintenance of peroxisomal functions in Arabidopsis. The Journal of Biological Chemistry2005, 280(15):14829-14835.[MINI-PAM]

107.Hirotsu N, Makino A, Yokota S, Mae T: The photosynthetic properties of rice leaves treated with low temperature and high irradiance Plant Cell and Physiology2005, 46(8):1377-1383.[MINI-PAM]

108.Hojo M, Tasaka M, Shikanai T: Physiological requirements of the nonmevalonate pathway for photo-acclimation in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnology2005, 22(1):39-45.[MINI-PAM]

109.Houter NC, Pons TL: Gap size effects on photoinhibition in understorey saplings in tropical rainforest. Plant Ecology2005, 179(1):43-51.[MINI-PAM]

110.Ishida A, Toma T, Marjenah: A comparison of in situ leaf photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence at the top canopies in rainforest mature trees. JARQ2005, 39(1):57-67.[MINI-PAM]

111.Ishihara S, Yamamoto Y, Ifuku K, Sato F: Functional analysis of four members of the PsbP family in photosystem II in nicotiana tabacum using differential RNA interference. Plant Cell and Physiology2005, 46(12):1885-1893.[MINI-PAM]

112.Kolber Z, Klimov D, Ananyev G, Rascher U, Berry J, Osmond B: Measuring photosynthetic parameters at a distance: laser induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) method for remote measurements of photosynthesis in terrestrial vegetation. Photosynthesis Research2005, 84(1-3):121-129.[MINI-PAM]

113.Kotera E, Tasaka M, Shikanai T: A pentatricopeptide repeat protein is essential for RNA editing in chloroplasts. Nature2005, 433:326-330.[MINI-PAM]

114.Mano Ji, Belles-Boix E, Babiychuk E, Inzé D, Torii Y, Hiraoka E, Takimoto K, Slooten L, Asada K, Kushnir S: Protection against photooxidative injury of tobacco leaves by 2-alkenal reductase. Detoxication of lipid peroxide-derived reactive carbonyls. Plant Physiology2005, 139:1773-1783.[MINI-PAM]

115.Matsubara S, Naumann M, Martin R, Nichol C, Rascher U, Morosinotto T, Bassi R, Osmond B: Slowly reversible de-epoxidation of lutein-epoxide in deep shade leaves of a tropical tree legume may ‘lock-in’ lutein-based photoprotection during acclimation to strong light Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 56(411):461-468.[MINI-PAM]

116.Munné-Bosch S, Shikanai T, Asada K: Enhanced ferredoxin-dependent cyclic electron flow around photosystem I and -tocopherol quinone accumulation in water-stressed ndhB-inactivated tobacco mutants. Planta2005, 222(3):502-511.[PAM-100, MINI-PAM]

117.Norisada M, Kojima K: Photosynthetic characteristics of dipterocarp species planted on degraded sandy soils in southern Thailand Photosynthetica2005, 43(4):491-499.[MINI-PAM]

118.Oh S-J, Song SI, Kim YS, Jang H-J, Kim SY, Kim M, Kim Y-K, Nahm BH, Kim J-K: Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1A and ABF3 in transgenic rice increased tolerance to abiotic stress without stunting growth. Plant Physiology2005, 138:341-351.[MINI-PAM]

119.Okegawa Y, Tsuyama M, Kobayashi Y, Shikanai T: The pgr1 mutation in the rieske subunit of the cytochrome b6f complex does not affect PGR5-dependent cyclic electron transport around photosystem I. The Journal of Biological Chemistry2005, 280(31):28332-28336.[MINI-PAM, PAM-100]

120.Scarano FR, Duarte HM, Franco AC, Geler A, de Mattos EA, Nahm M, Rennenberg H, Zaluar HLT, Lüttge U: Ecophysiology of selected tree species in different plant communities at the periphery of the Atlantic Forest of SE-Brazil I. Performance of three different species of Clusia in an array of plant communities. Trees2005, 19(5):497-509.[MINI-PAM]

121.Shabala S, Shabala L, van Volkenburgh E, Newman I: Effect of divalent cations on ion fluxes and leaf photochemistry in salinized barley leaves Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 56(415):1369-1378.[MINI-PAM]

122.Smethurst CF, Garnett T, Shabala S: Nutritional and chlorophyll fluorescence responses of lucerne (Medicago sativa) to waterlogging and subsequent recovery. Plant and Soil 2005, 270(1):31-45.[MINI-PAM]

123.Yamamoto A, Bhuiyan MNH, Waditee R, Tanaka Y, Esaka M, Oba K, Jagendorf AT, Takabe T: Suppressed expression of the apoplastic ascorbate oxidase gene increases salt tolerance in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants Journal of Experimental Botany2005, 56(417):1785-1796.[MINI-PAM]

124.Zaltsman A, Ori N, Adam Z: Two types of FtsH protease subunits are required for chloroplast biogenesis and photosystem II repair in ArabidopsisThe Plant Cell2005, 17:2782-2790.[MINI-PAM]

125.Baier M, Ströher E, Dietz K-J: The acceptor availability at photosystem I and ABA control nuclear expression of 2-cys peroxiredoxin-A in Arabidopsis thalianaPlant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(8):997-1006.[MINI-PAM]

126.Einhorn KS, Rosenqvist E, Leverenz JW: Photoinhibition in seedlings ofFraxinus and Fagus under natural light conditions: implications for forest regeneration? Oecologia2004, 140(2):241-251.[MINI-PAM]

127.El-Lithy ME, Clerkx EJM, Ruys GJ, Koornneef M, Vreugdenhil D: Quantitative trait locus analysis of growth-related traits in a new Arabidopsis recombinant inbred population. Plant Physiology2004, 135:444-458.[MINI-PAM]

128.Giannino D, Condello E, Bruno L, Testone G, Tartarini A, Cozza R, Innocenti AM, Bitonti MB, Mariotti D: The gene geranylgeranyl reductase of peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batsch) is regulated during leaf development and responds differentially to distinct stress factors. Journal of Experimental Botany2004, 55(405):2063-2073.[MINI-PAM]

129.Gutensohn M, Pahnke S, Kolukisaoglu U, Schulz B, Schierhorn A, Voigt A, Hust B, Rollwitz I, Stockel J, Geimer Set al: Characterization of a T-DNA insertion mutant for the protein import receptor atToc33 from chloroplasts. Molecular Genetics and Genomics2004, 272:379-396.[MINI-PAM, PAM-100]

130.Hirotsu N, Makino A, Ushio A, Mae T: Changes in the thermal dissipation and the electron flow in the water–water cycle in rice grown under conditions of physiologically low temperature Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(5):635-644.[MINI-PAM]

131.Hurst AC, Grams TEE, Ratajczak R: Effects of salinity, high irradiance, ozone, and ethylene on mode of photosynthesis, oxidative stress and oxidative damage in the C3/CAM intermediate plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(2):187-197.[MINI-PAM]

132.Munekage Y, Hashimoto M, Miyake C, Tomizawa K-I, Endo T, Tasaka M, Shikanai T: Cyclic electron flow around photosystem I is essential for photosynthesis Nature2004, 429:579-582.[MINI-PAM]

133.Nagashima A, Hanaoka M, Shikanai T, Fujiwara M, Kanamaru K, Takahashi H, Tanaka K: The multiple-stress responsive plastid sigma factor, SIG5, directs activation of the psbD blue light-responsive promoter (BLRP) in Arabidopsis thalianaPlant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(4):357-368.[MINI-PAM]

134.Rascher U, Bobich EG, Lin GH, Walter A, Morris T, Naumann M, Nichol CJ, Pierce D, Bil K, Kudeyarov Vet al: Functional diversity of photosynthesis during drought in a model tropical rainforest–the contributions of leaf area, photosynthetic electron transport and stomatal conductance to reduction in net ecosystem carbon exchange. Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(10):1239-1256.[MINI-PAM]

135.Rice SK, Schneider N: Cushion size, surface roughness, and the control of water balance and carbon flux in the cushion moss Leucobryum glaucum (Leucobryaceae). Am J Bot2004, 91(8):1164-1172.[MINI-PAM]

136.Scholefield PA, Doick KJ, Herbert BMJ, Hewitt CNS, Schnitzler J-P, Pinelli P, Loreto F: Impact of rising CO2 on emissions of volatile organic compounds: isoprene emission from Phragmites australis growing at elevated CO2 in a natural carbon dioxide spring. Plant Cell and Environment2004, 27(4):393-401.[MINI-PAM]

137.Walter A, Rascher U, Osmond B: Transitions in photosynthetic parameters of midvein and interveinal regions of leaves and theif importance during leaf growth and development. Plant Biology2004, 6:184-191.[MINI-PAM]

138.Woitke M, Hartung W, Gimmler H, Heilmeier H: Chlorophyll fluorescence of submerged and floating leaves of the aquatic resurrection plant Chamaegigas intrepidus. Functional Plant Biology2004, 31:53-62.[MINI-PAM]

139.Yabuta Y, Maruta T, Yoshimura K, Ishikawa T, Shigeoka S: Two distinct redox signaling pathways for cytosolic APX induction under photooxidative stress Plant Cell and Physiology2004, 45(11):1586-1594.[MINI-PAM]

140.Zlatev ZS, Yordanov IT: Effects of soil drought on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in bean plants. Bulg J Plant Physiol2004, 30(3-4):3-18.[MINI-PAM]

141.张国盛, 王林和, 李玉灵, 吉川贤, 刘海东: 切断匍匐茎对臭柏叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 林业科学2004, 40(3):60-65.[MINI-PAM]

142.Centritto M, Loreto F, Chartzoulakis K: The use of low [CO2] to estimate diffusional and non-diffusional limitations of photosynthetic capacity of salt-stressed olive saplings. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(4):585-594.[MINI-PAM]

143.Chen Q-J, Zhang F-M, Wang Y-J, Kurata K: The physiologic reaction of cucumber to low temperature and low light intensigy. Agricultural Sciences in China2003, 2(2):200-205.[MINI-PAM]

144.Han Q, Shinohara K, Kakubari Y, Mukai Y: Photoprotective role of rhodoxanthin during cold acclimation in Cryptomeria japonica. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(5):715-723.[MINI-PAM]

145.Humbeck K, Krupinska K: The abundance of minor chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins CP29 and LHCI of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) during leaf senescence is controlled by light Journal of Experimental Botany2003, 54(381):375-383.[MINI-PAM]

146.Kosugi Y, Shibata S, Kobashi S: Parameterization of the CO2 and H2O gas exchange of several temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees at the leaf scale considering seasonal changes. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(2):285-301.[MINI-PAM]

147.Loreto F, Centritto M, Chartzoulakis K: Photosynthetic limitations in olive cultivars with different sensitivity to salt stress. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(4):595-601.[MINI-PAM]

148.Luomala E-M, Laitinen K, Kellomaki S, Vapaavuori E: Variable photosynthetic acclimation in consecutive cohorts of Scots pine needles during 3 years of growth at elevated CO2 and elevated temperature. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(5):645-660.[MINI-PAM]

149.Masuda T, Fusada N, Oosawa N, Takamatsu Ki, Yamamoto YY, Ohto M, Nakamura K, Goto K, Shibata D, Shirano Yet al: Functional analysis of isoforms of NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR), PORB and PORC, in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell and Physiology2003, 44(10):963-974.[PAM-100, MINI-PAM]

150.Metwally A, Finkemeier I, Georgi M, Dietz K-J: Salicylic acid alleviates the cadmium toxicity in barley seedlings. Plant Physiology2003, 132:272-281.[MINI-PAM]

151.Munné-Bosch S, Alegre L: Drought-induced changes in the redox state of α-tocopherol, ascorbate, and the diterpene carnosic acid in chloroplasts of labiatae species differing in carnosic acid contents. Plant Physiology2003, 131:1816-1825.[MINI-PAM]

152.Omari BE, Fleck I, Aranda X, Abadía A, Cano A, Arnao MB: Total antioxidant activity in Quercus ilex resprouts after fire. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry2003, 41:41-47.[MINI-PAM]

153.Pannewitz S, Schlensog M, Green TGA, Sancho LG, Schroeter B: Are lichens active under snow in continental Antarctica? Oecologia2003, 135:30-38.[MINI-PAM]

154.Rascher U, Lakatos M, Büdel B, Lüttge U: Photosynthetic field capacity of cyanobacteria of a tropical inselberg of the Guiana Highlands. European Journal of Phycology2003, 38:247-256.[MINI-PAM]

155.Sack L, Cowan PD, Holbrook NM: The major veins of mesomorphic leaves revisited: tests for conductive overload in Acer saccharum (Aceraceae) and Quercus rubra (Fagaceae). American Journal of Botany2003, 90:32-39.[MINI-PAM]

156.Shikanai T, Müller-Moulé P, Munekage Y, Niyogi KK, Pilonc M: PAA1, a P-type ATPase of Arabidopsis, functions in copper transport in chloroplasts The Plant Cell2003, 15:1333-1346.[PAM-100, MINI-PAM]

157.Tezara W, Martínez D, Rengifo E, Herrera A: Photosynthetic responses of the tropical spiny shrub Lycium nodosum (Solanaceae) to drought, soil salinity and saline spray. Annals of Botany2003, 92:757-765.[MINI-PAM]

158.Thomson VP, Cunningham SA, Ball MC, Nicotra AB: Compensation for herbivory by Cucumis sativus through increased photosynthetic capacity and efficiency Oecologia2003, 134(2):167-175.[MINI-PAM]

159.Verdaguer D, Aranda X, Jofre A, El Omari B, Molinas M, Fleck I: Expression of low molecular weight heat-shock proteins and total antioxidant activity in the Mediterranean tree Quercus ilex L. in relation to seasonal and diurnal changes in physiological parameters. Plant Cell and Environment2003, 26(8):1407-1417.[MINI-PAM]

160.Yamazaki J-y, Suzuki A, Okuyama Y, Maruta E, Kamimura Y: Difference of high-light stress sensitivity in the two firs,Abies mariesii and Abies veitchii, in early spring. Polar Bioscience2003, 16:61-69.[MINI-PAM]

161.陈青君, 张福墁, 高丽红: 不同类型黄瓜苗期对亚适温弱光生理适应的差异. 中国农学通报2003, 19(2):1-3.[MINI-PAM]

162.陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 藏田宪次: 黄瓜对低温弱光反应的生理特征研究. 中国农业科学2003, 36(1):77-81.[MINI-PAM]

163.陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 张海英, 张峰, 张丽蓉: 临界低温弱光对黄瓜光合特性及其酶变化的影响. 华北农学报2003, 18(4):31-34.[MINI-PAM]

164.Franco A, Lüttge U: Midday depression in savanna trees: coordinated adjustments in photochemical efficiency, photorespiration, CO2 assimilation and water use efficiency Oecologia2002, 131(3):356-365.[MINI-PAM]

165.Fuchs E, Zimmerman RC, Jaffe JS: The effect of elevated levels of phaeophytin in natural water on variable fluorescence measured from phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research2002, 24(11):1221-1229.[MINI-PAM]

166.Green AT, Schlensog M, Sancho LG, Winkler BJ, Broom FD, Schroeter B: The photobiont determines the pattern of photosynthetic activity within a single lichen thallus containing cyanobacterial and green algal sectors (photosymbiodeme) Oecologia2002, 130(2):191-198.[MINI-PAM]

167.Guo J, Jermyn WA, Turnbull MH: Diurnal and seasonal photosynthesis in two asparagus cultivars with contrasting yield. Crop Science2002, 42:399-405.[MINI-PAM]

168.Hideg É, Barta C, Kálai T, Vass I, Hideg K, Asada K: Detection of singlet oxygen and superoxide with fluorescent sensors in leaves under stress by photoinhibition or UV radiation Plant Cell and Physiology2002, 43(10):1154-1164.[PAM-100, MINI-PAM]

169.Lee EA, Staebler MA, Tollenaar M: Genetic variation in physiological discriminators for cold tolerance—early autotrophic phase of maize development. Crop Science2002, 42:1919-1929.[MINI-PAM]

170.Llorens L, Aranda X, Abadía A, Fleck I: Variations in Quercus ilex chloroplast pigment content during summer stress: involvement in photoprotection according to principal component analysis. Functional Plant Biology2002, 29:81-88.[MINI-PAM]

171.Munné-Bosch S, Alegre L: Interplay between ascorbic acid and lipophilic antioxidant defences in chloroplasts of water-stressed Arabidopsis plants FEBS Letters2002, 524(1-3):145-148.[MINI-PAM]

172.Piel C, Frak E, Roux XL, Genty B: Effect of local irradiance on CO2 transfer conductance of mesophyll in walnut Journal of Experimental Botany2002, 53(379):2423-2430.[MINI-PAM]

173.Ying J, Lee EA, Tollenaar M: Response of leaf photosynthesis during the grain-filling period of maize to duration of cold exposure, acclimation, and incident PPFD. Crop Science2002, 42:1164-1172.[MINI-PAM]

174.Durchan M, Vácha F, Krieger-Liszkay A: Effects of severe CO2 starvation on the photosynthetic electron transport chain in tabacco plants. Photosynthesis Research2001, 68:203-213.[PAM-100, MINI-PAM]

175.Fritzius T, Aeschbacher R, Wiemken A, Wingler A: Induction of ApL3 expression by trehalose complements the starch-deficient Arabidopsis mutant adg2-1 lacking ApL1, the large subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Plant Physiology2001, 126:883-889.[MINI-PAM]

176.Lud D, Huiskes AHL, Moerdijk TCW, Rozema J: The effects of altered levels of UV-B radiation on an Antarctic grass and lichen Plant Ecology2001, 154(1-2):87-99.[MINI-PAM]

177.Lüttge U, Fetene M, Liebig M, Rascher U, Beck E: Ecophysiology of Niche Occupation by Two Giant Rosette Plants, Lobelia gibberoa Hemsl and Solanecio gigas (Vatke) C. Je?ey, in an Afromontane Forest Valley. Annals of Botany2001, 88:267-278.[MINI-PAM]

178.Munné-Bosch S, Jubany-Marí T, Alegre L: Drought-induced senescence is characterized by a loss of antioxidant defences in chloroplasts. Plant Cell and Environment2001, 24(12):1319-1327.[MINI-PAM]

179.Omari BE, Fleck I, Aranda X, Moret A, Nadal M: Effect of fungal infection on leaf gas-exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in Quercus ilex. Annals of Forest Science2001, 58:165-173.[MINI-PAM]

180.Schlensog M, Schroeter B: A new method for the accurate in situ monitoring of chlorophyll a fluorescence in lichens and bryophytes. Lichenologist2001, 33(5):443–452.[MINI-PAM]

181.Hayashi M, Nito K, Toriyama-Kato K, Kondo M, Yamaya T, Nishimura M: AtPex14p maintains peroxisomal functions by determining protein targeting to three kinds of plant peroxisomes The EMBO Journal2000, 19:5701-5710.[MINI-PAM]

182.Herrera A, Fernández MD, Taisma MA: Effects of drought on CAM and water relations in plants of Peperomia carnevalii. Annals of Botany2000, 86:511-517.[MINI-PAM]

183.McKersie BD, Murnaghan J, Jones KS, Bowley SR: Iron-superoxide dismutase expression in transgenic alfalfa increases winter survival without a detectable increase in photosynthetic oxidative stress tolerance. Plant Physiology2000, 122:1427-1438.[MINI-PAM]

184.Rascher U, Liebig M, Lüttge U: Evaluation of instant light-response curves of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters obtained with a portable chlorophyll fluorometer on site in the field. Plant Cell and Environment2000, 23:1397-1405.[MINI-PAM]

185.Ribas-Carbo M, Aroca R, Gonzàlez-Meler MA, Irigoyen JJ, Sánchez-Díaz M: The electron partitioning between the cytochrome and alternative respiratory pathways during chilling recovery in two cultivars of maize differing in chilling sensitivity. Plant Physiology2000, 122:199-204.[MINI-PAM]

186.Shirano Y, Shimada H, Kanamaru K, Fujiwara M, Tanaka K, Takahashi H, Unno K, Sato S, Tabata S, Hayashi Het al: Chloroplast development inArabidopsis thaliana requires the nuclear-encoded transcription factor Sigma B FEBS Letters2000, 485(2-3):178-182.[MINI-PAM]

187.Yamaguchi K, Nishimura M: Reduction to below threshold levels of glycolate oxidase activities in transgenic tobacco enhances photoinhibition during irradiation Plant Cell and Physiology2000, 41(12):1397-1406.[MINI-PAM]

188.Yoshimura K, Yabuta Y, Ishikawa T, Shigeoka S: Expression of spinach ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes in response to oxidative stresses. Plant Physiology2000, 123:223-234.[MINI-PAM]

189.Jensen M, Chakir S, Feige GB: Osmotic and atmospheric dehydration effects in the lichens Hypogymnia physodesLobaria pulmonaria, and Peltigera aphthosa: an in vivo study of the chlorophyll fluorescence induction. Photosynthetica1999, 37(3):393-404.[MINI-PAM]

190.Manuel N, Cornic G, Aubert S, Choler P, Bligny R, Heber U: Protection against photoinhibition in the alpine plant Geum montanum. Oecologia1999, 119:149-158.[MINI-PAM, PAM-100]

191.Munné-Bosch S, Schwarz K, Alegre L: Enhanced formation of α-tocopherol and highly oxidized abietane diterpenes in water-stressed rosemary plants. Plant Physiology1999, 121:1047-1052.[MINI-PAM]

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