真正意义上的多功能型实验室设备, 在同一台设备中, 无需更换任何设备组件, 即可完成:
A truly Multi-purpose Equipment, Capable of Hereunder Processes Without Modification in A Single Pot
物料的混合, 干燥 Mixing and Drying
粉末制粒 Powder Granulating
颗粒包衣 Particle Thin Film Coating
微丸包衣 Pellet Thin Film Coating
粉末包衣 Powder Thin Film Coating
胶囊包衣 Capsule Thin Film Coating
药片包衣 Tablet Thin Film Coating
晶体包衣 Crystal Thin Film Coating
涡轮驱动底盘技术优势 The Advantage of Turbojet
1,在所有物料工作区域内, 物料的混合非常均匀
An even mixing within all product areas
A reduction of mechanical stress
A defined moving direction in general
A defined product movement in the area of application of the spray medium
三层结构喷嘴底喷优势 The Advantage of Under-Bed Spray
1,保护气体是为了防止雾化气体由于流速过快而在喷嘴四周所产生的负压区, 保护气体的出现避免了物料填补负压区, 从而避免了物料堵塞喷嘴的现象。
The microclimate prevents underpressure at the nozzle opening by the atomizing air escaping at high rate and so its slow choking.
2,在物料床底下形成有效的保护气流, 确保整个生产过程中, 黏合剂与物料得以充份接触。
It increases the bubbling underbed by its own air volume and enlarges so the approachable product surface during the complete process.
3,当黏合剂在喷出的一瞬间, 由于受保护气体作用, 使之与流化气体短暂分隔, 避免因流化气体温度过高而引发黏合剂在喷嘴口凝固结块。
It prevents the undesirable spray drying by screening the spray cone against the warm and dry process air.
4,由于涡轮导气板上装有多套喷嘴, 确保黏合剂的喷射分布非常均匀, 同理, 确保物料能够充份均匀吸收黏合剂。
A best distribution of spray media at the product surface is guaranteed by the arrangement of several spray nozzles working like that.
动态过滤除尘系统优势 The Advantage of Dynamic Filter System
1,能在**时间将过滤器上所吸附的物料连续不断地重新送回工作区, 特别是把那些细小微粒送回工作区。
A continuous reincorporation of powdery substances resp. smaller particles into the process.
2,每个过滤器都采用高度独立式安装, 过滤腔体采用圆柱体形设计, 降低了流化气体进入腔体后的运动速度, 反吹除尘时, 亦可使物料缓慢有序重返工作区。
A reduction of the rising velocity of the process air in the filter dome resp. an improvement of the falling velocity by elimination of the space displacement of the filter insert.
3,采用洁净进风替代压缩空气进行反吹除尘, 节约客户的设备运行成本。
A drastical reduction of the operating expenses using process air for filter cleaning.
4,高度独立的产品过滤器减少了维护保养, 降低了备品备件成本, 即使有过滤器发生损坏(如泄漏等), 只需单独更换与之相应的过滤袋即可。
Division of the total filter surface in individual functional units in order to get an easier maintenance, lower expenditure and costs in case of a leakage.