本公司的抽屉式除铁器主要用于清除粉末状, 颗粒状等铁磁性杂质,广泛应用于陶瓷,电力,矿业,食品,化工的行业。此产品由不锈钢(SUS304,SUS316L)制成的外框体及置于内部的磁力架构成,精心设计的磁路分布使磁棒之间的磁场能达到**状态。当物料从顶部进料时含有的杂质会被吸附在磁棒表面上,从而起到过滤清洁的作用。抽屉式除铁器配有各种形状的法兰或快速接口可供选择,便于进出口之间联接,从而为客户提供各种产品。常规工作温度为80℃,表磁12000GS
The function of Magnetic drawer of aims at cleaning away particle-shaped or similar to power iron impurity. They are for the most part applied in such fields as ceramics, electricity , mine and chemical industries , the product consist of frame outward (the material of SUS304 orSUS316) and magnetic bars inward it, the magnetic distribution we meticulously design can make sure that an intensity of magnetic fields can be brought into full play, When substances pass through an outlet , impurity that exist among substances can be absorbed onto the surface of magnetic bars, and diverse format flanges or joints( circle-shape, square-shape or nimble joints) offer convenience for connection both at inlet and outlet. Therefore, we provide our clients with various kinds of products. The working temperature is 80℃ and surface magnet is 12000GS as usual
产品描述 (description)
N-type: When substances past through for a long time, impurity such as iron scrap have accumulated above tubes then draw one layer of magnetic grates out from frame and put it onto the specified position (where keeps a certain distance away things around it )and erect it upright with handle upward then impurity be cleaned away by means of squirt gun or thick gloves wearing on your hands.