TD型带式输送机 TD型带式输送机是用皮带输送物料的机械,广泛用于冶金、矿山、煤炭、水电、仓库等部门,可以输送低温无腐蚀性的块状、粒状和成包、成件、成箱的物料,该机可以水平输送,也可以倾斜输送。 TD belt conveyor This kind of equipment takes advantage of belt to convey the material , and it is widely used in metallurgy industry,mining industry, coal industry, water-generating electricity industry and warehouse industry etc., and it can convey the block material or the particle material with low temperature and without corrosion, and it can also convey the bagged material , the boxed material or the piece material. It can not only horizontally convey the material but also can convey them in a slope angle.